Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Smokey Fork's Apt - Update

I managed to stir up a hornet's nest by sending out an email to all the folks on our tenant's association email list. It seems they were all waiting for someone else to mention the clouds of smoke filling our building first.

Because suddenly EVERYONE'S reply all-ing saying, "YEAH! I was wondering if it was bothering anyone else! What do we DO?!"

The vice president of our tenant's association, the Kindly Red-Headed Gossip on the 3rd Floor (KRHGot3F) went next door and asked them to please effing stop.

Well, that pushed it over the edge with them. They apologized and said they'd move the guys to the west side of the building.


Now, some may say that this is an example of sexism. I mean, they didn't respond to me. But a tall KRHGot3F walks in the room and the bend over backwards to please her.

But that's only because they knew I'd be back if they turned her away.

Geeze. I feel so confrontational. Like I'm ready to kick some serious ass or something. I'm telling's all the squats. They do something to you.


So I'm thinking about using this as my new headshot. What do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

You're scary, Fork.

Bibb Leo File said...

If you transform into an ape-like, diminuitive version of yourself at night and bandy about town beating up old men and trampling children, then I think it would be time to curb the squats.