Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Humanity's Last Great Hope...

There's something in me that says aliens will never succeed in enslaving the human race.

Humanity will endure.

And here's why.

Can you HONESTLY look at this kitten and imagine our world under the rule of crazed Martians from beyond the stars?

No. You can't. Kittens (like the one in the above picture) simply cannot exist in a world of sorrows, of turmoil, of alien savagery. And vice versa. They're mutually exclusive.

When was the last time you saw a Nazi and a kitten in the same picture? That's right. It's an historical fact that there were no kittens in Germany during World War II. Evil hates Cute. And Cute nullifies Evil.

Kind of explains a lot, doesn't it?

So everyone, everywhere, forget about all this global warming hullabaloo.

Instead, do your part and preserve the kittens of Earth. By God, they may save us all.


Bibb Leo File said...

But what if the aliens look exactly like kittens? What if, instead of the hideous squidlike demons Hollywood has shown us, our spaceborn conquerers are irresistibly cute?

Fork said...

If they DO manage somehow to defy Hollywood stereotypes and manage to be both evil AND impossibly cute at the SAME TIME...then...I guess...we're screwed.