Tuesday, June 20, 2006

First Dress

We're so down to the wire it's not even funny. The most anticipated show in Everycity! Two dress rehearsals, two previews, and Saturday marks our opening night. Normally I'd be bouncing off the walls right now. First dress rehearsal! Costumes! This is where it all starts to really gel!

Yeah, I would be feeling that way...if I weren't about to fall asleep at my desk.

Remember when you were a kid on Christmas Eve? Remember how you tried so hard to go to sleep, but you just couldn't stop thinking about the next morning and all the surprises that Santa was going to leave for you? It wasn't until about 3 in the morning that the sandman finally got the better of you and you drifted off to a fitful sleep, crowded with dreams of Christmas greed.

That's what last night was kinda like. I tossed. I turned. It was too hot. It was too cold. I could hear Nelson walking around the room. I couldn't stop thinking about the show. I tried reading a book. I tried playing a video game. I tried a glass of milk. I tried a glass of milk and two shots of Kahlua. Nothing. Toss. Turn. Toss. Turn. 11:00. 11:45. 12:00. 1:00. 2:00. 2:30. 3:00.

And now I'm at work. At the end of today I was thinking of leaving here and going straight to the park to start getting ready for tonight. Now I'm thinking I'm going to "suddenly get sick" and take off at noon so I can try to take my mind off the show and get some freakin' sleep.

And maybe do some crunches.


Moderator said...

Break a leg.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's it. Take a nap. A nice long nap. And sleep right through first dress!!!

Bibb Leo File said...

What are you talking about?! Puck doesn't need to sleep! He's that merry wanderer of the night! No naps for Puck! Get out there an cause some mischief. Pull stools out from under old ladies and whatnot.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

What is this brain age thing? And have you gotten dumber since last week or what?

Fork said...

Brain Age is a wonderful tool that measures the activity of your prefrontal cortex! The brain of a 21 year old is supposed to be the most "fit". You take these timed tests and depending on how long it takes you to finish them and how many errors you make, they calculate the age of your brain.

So my brain is ACTUALLY more active than it was a week ago.

If you ever come over to my place I'll administer the Brain Age test on you. Don't worry. It doesn't hurt much--er--at all!

Fork said...

Trust me, Bibb. This Puck sings! He dances! He sleeps!

Tracy said...

i hope your first dress rocks! man, i wish i lived in everycity so i could come cheer on the puckster!

Anonymous said...

I remember my first dress: floor length. Red. Beautiful. Oh... wait... you mean... ummm...

The Cliff said...

I'll send that speedo pic if it will help...I hear Beeki keeps one to make her remember what a Man looks like at the proper weight

Fork said...

I almost feel like I should delete that comment, boscoe! That's not gentle chastisement! That's just good, old fashioned being an @$$!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »