Tuesday, July 29, 2008


My right hip is *killing* me!

It's from all this dag-blamed contraposto I'm doing for this 10-5 sculpture workshop.

And things were only more aggrivated at rehearsal for our Dostoevsky play last night. At one point the actors become a dancing chorus in an elaborately choreographed Fosse-style dance number.

So while my isolations, finger snaps, and smouldering demeanor were hot-hot-hot, my right hip was not-not-not.

So I started thinking I could probably benefit from hip replacement surgery.

If I get one, I'm going to request a bionic hip. You know. The kind with, like, a retractable hip-cannon. And a hip-mounted net-launcher so I can catch criminals. And if people start chasing me, I'd also have hip-squirt oil-slick action to make them slip and fall so I could make a clean getaway.

That would be so awesome.

I guess the question quickly becomes should I use my new bionic hip for good...or for evil?


Anonymous said...

You'll use it for evil and you know it. Evil evil isolations.

Anonymous said...

If you use it for good, it will contrast too sharply with everything for which you currently stand. Also, remember that "hot hot hot" is work!