Thursday, July 24, 2008


There's a Frenchwoman in this class who is cracking the whip on me.

On the last set on the first day, my battery popped out of the timer. The Frenchie checked her watch when she suspected 25 minutes had passed and then inspected my timer.

"Your timer doesn't work," she said flatly.

I don't know. Maybe it was just that my body was in the throes of pain, but all I wanted to do at that moment was bite her and say, "Yes, you French tart, it DOES work, it just WASN'T working AT THAT MOMENT."

Well, today I'm trying to pace myself so on the long break I set the timer for 17 minutes instead of 15.

And guess who was secretly keeping time from across the room.

"Haven't 15 minutes passed?" asked Frenchinella, who may as well have been tapping her foot rudely.

I told her not to worry. That everything was fine, and that YES, my timer DOES work.

* * *

News Flash--Frenchinella is actually Greek. Coulda fooled me.

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