Monday, July 21, 2008

What am I Saying?

What am I talking about "no posts for a week"?? I have this Blackberry!

So everybody's about to head out to lunch. I'm going to hang out here at the sculpture studio and try and figure out how I want to stand for the next two weeks.

Wish me luck.

* * *

Oh no. One of the students in the workshop is young artist, El Sloppo, the messiest sculpture student *ever*. The fligs chunks of clay everywhere. And you know what happens when clay dries... It turns into clay cookies which are then stepped on and turn into Lung Disease Dust.

And El Sloppo is the cause of it all.

Pray for me. Pray for my lungs.

* * *

Oh Lord. As the gang left for their lunch break (I stayed behind to figure out possible poses) the instructor turns to me and asks if I could please experiment with poses that have both my arms over my head.


For two weeks.


First el Sloppo, now this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karmic retribution for being so mean to Bert and Ernie.