Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cold Shoulder

I'm in a Gitmo world of pain right now.

I feel like such a wimp.

With Frenchinella leering at me, classical piano music playing, and my right hip screaming, what else could go wrong?

How about a sudden shoulder spasm?

Yeah. Remember how at Easter they break down what happens during crucifixion and how eventually the muscles tire themselves out from holding up the body and they start to spaz, causing the rest of the body to thrash about on the cross?

Something similar just happened to me.

I feel like such an ameteur.

Maybe I should crucify myself as a warm up for these classes.



Anonymous said...


Bibb Leo File said...

Just don't ask for anything to drink. You might get balsamic vinaigrette on a stick.

Anonymous said...

Those Greeks! You've seen the movies-they are RUTHLESS!!