Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh Noes!

It's happening again!

This time it was triggered by my seeing the closing performance of "Cry-Baby: the Musical" yesterday afternoon.

A show panned by critics, snubbed by the Tonys...

And guess what?

It was one of the most entertaining, fun shows I've seen since I moved here.


It's so unfair! And now people will always remember it as being a bad show that they didn't actually see but heard was crappy.

And now it's over. It's dead. And I liked it so very very much. But I can't see it again. No matter how much I may want to. And they never even got to make a cast recording. So I can't even tell you to download such-and-such sone if you're still skeptical. No, it's gone. Without a trace.

It got me thinking about how unfair things are.

Well, maybe not unfair, but...nonsensical. That the success of a show and the jobs of dozens of people can depend entirely upon the opinion of one theatre/life-hating critic at the New York Times.

Then I took a look at some of the members of the cast. I knew one of the principals. And another one was a business major at (guess where?) Alma Mater U before selling his car and deciding to become an actor. And guess what? Both of them were leads in a really swell Broadway show.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are still trying to figure it all out.

Then I get to thinking, "Hey, I'm finally feeling secure enough in myself to ask a girl out."

But who wants a penniless ukulele plunking, video game obsessed nude artist's model?

I know I don't. I want someone who'll bring home the bacon.

But at the same time, I know that somewhere out there is a graceful, kind, lovely, well-spoken young woman who has a MARVELOUS and TOTALLY SURPRISING love for something like, oh, I dunno. Dungeons and Dragons. And she's not married (they're ALWAYS married) and has been waiting to meet me all her life.

Then you think about the rest of this lousy biz. If my nose were smaller. If my smile wasn't so gummy. If my hair were shorter. If my arms were larger. If my legs were shorter. If my arms were smaller.

That's the problem with these Broadway musical types. They make the rest of us "Shakespeare actors" feel SO untalented.

It's so rough. I mean.

Oh yeah, and if you missed the ukulele show, you can check out some clips on yoooo tooob. Marvel at the odd choices the editor of this little video made.

So check it.

I miss my cat. Cats are great. They don't have dreams. They just want to eat, sleep, and be pet. And they're very rarely disappointed.

I wish I were a feline.

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