Monday, June 16, 2008

I Remember Now

I remember now why I avoid the Supercity X School for Aspiring Artists.

It's because of the Aspiring Artists.

Poor things. They're all so sour.
Oh well. Hey, I'm making 18 smackerdoodles an hour so I'm not complaining. And it's kind of fun to give these kids really complicated poses just to see what they come up with.

Case in point:

[Insert bad picture here]

I mean, come on guys. Look at that. She put my butt in the middle of my back and my arm looks like a Chee-toe. And she drew it in pink marker. Seriously. If you scratch it it probably smells like strawberry.

These kids parents are coughing up a zillion bucks to send their kids here. You'd think these lil Rembrandts would have to exhibit some sort of talent before their parents would hand them a sack of doubloons.

I mean, seriously. Majoring in theatre makes damn good sense when you look at the work these kiddos are cranking out.

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