Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mad, Mad Mel

We've all done things when we're schnookered that we regret later. What are some of the things you've done?

Have you...

Gotten into a fight?

Been knocked up?

Gotten into a fight after being knocked up?

Jumped into the bear cage at the zoo and attempted to fight with a knocked-up grizzly?

Passed out on a sticky bathroom floor?

Offended the entire Jewish population of America who already hates your guts and has been just waiting for a good reason to crucify you?

Oh...I think I went too far with that one.

I feel for Mel. I really do. I mean, good grief, I've done the same thing. Sort of. Only without the alcohol. And handcuffs. And rage-filled epithets. And being a superstar that everyone pays attention to.

I'm just glad nobody was around when I was on that national tour with that Holocaust play. How did we get through eight months of Auchwitz? I'll tell you.

Lots of booze and lots of side-splitting (and potentially career-ending) holocaust humor.

Yes, I admit it. I've made concentration camp jokes. In fact, while on tour it became a pet project of mine to figure out how to turn our passionate little play about the indomitable human spirit overcoming seemingly insurmountable evils into a crowd pleasing ABBA musical.

And I succeeded.

There. The secret is out. Now let's see how long it takes before people start boycotting my shows and calling me Li'l Adolf.

Now don't get me wrong. He did say some bad things. Bad, bad, bad. No question. He was driving drunk and spewing angry, alcoholic venom full of anti-Semetic sentiments for all the world to hear. Bad Mel. Bad, bad Mel.

I just think folks should calm down about the whole thing. Of course, they won't. But I think they should.

"I've made a huge mistake."


Fork said...

Hey, I'm just standing up for the underdog here. Is that so wrong? You'd better be disaproudted ofn me. I just bought three tickets to your show. So expensive! You'd think Jews were running the box office!


Anonymous said...

Let's have a little perspective here, please. Mel's rantings have nothing on Forky's hatemongering past.

And without denying that Mel said some awful, hateful, terrible, very bad, bad bad bad things, let's remember that if Hollywood can forgive child molester Roman Polanski and even give him an Oscar, then I think they can find it in their hearts to forgive Mel. As for the rest of us? You'd never see another movie again as long as you lived if you knew half of the story behind the people involved. So either don't see any movies or do see Mel's movies if you like his movies.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Good point about ol' Kiddie Rapist Polanski. And what about Woody Allen? His wicked (and unrepented) deeds are on practically Greek Tragedy scale.

Still, Mel deserves what he gets. I liked him for a long time, but for the past ten years or so he's just given off a major crazy vibe. And you don't say stuff like that unless you mean it, no matter how drunk you are.

Bibb Leo File said...

Sure, ol' Woody has made some pretty disgusting mistakes, but he's just so damned hilarious! If only Mel had emerged from his vehicle and said something like, "Gee, uh...uh...officer, I'm terribly sorry for this...uh, misunderstanding, but I've never been good at...uh...holding my lick-ah (said with a thick Jewish accent); I just keep tossing it down my throat! Geez, I mean, come on, already."

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