Tuesday, August 15, 2006

In other news...

My hair is now long enough to be tied back. I look a little bit like a pirate. With abs. I don't have an earring though, but I HAVE been considering getting one. Then again, my ears are pretty freakishly tiny. I don't know that I want to draw attention to that. The front is still a little short to make it all the way to the rubber band, but it's trying really hard. It'll make it. I know it will. Unless I go bald in a few weeks. And then won't we all have a great laugh?

I've also cooked up a grand scheme to make money for my move to New York. I'm selling these swell bootleg audio recordings of 'Midsummer' for ten bucks each. I've sold two. Ain't that a grand and glorious feeling?

Nelson knows something's happening in this apartment. And he's right. In a couple of weeks we're going to have a little party in this empty apartment. I have four bottles of champagne that I need to get rid of. You're all invited.

Oh yeah, Candie is taking my old job as file clerk. She'll be working hand-in-hand with Consuela and Mr. Archibald. Poor Yasriel. I almost feel sorry for her. I mean, she was so sure she was going to get my job when I left. I've never seen someone so confident. She got a new haircut, started wearing smart secretary outfits with spiked heels. Then she gets the boot. Geeze. I hope she didn't cry. Schadenfreude is so much harder to revel in when you know there's real pain involved. I mean, hell, I'd probably feel sorry for Saddam if he started crying. I'm no good when people start to cry. No good at all.


Anonymous said...

You make me cry all the time and don't seem to feel a thing.

I support the ear piercing.

The Cliff said...

You moving away and leaving us all makes me cry...and with enough Champagne i may ball like a little baby...

Go Pirate... all the way...earring...parrot...the works

Bibb Leo File said...

I suggest severing a leg or a hand to take the pirate look to another level. Any chap can pierce his ear and grow out his hair, but are they really committed to the pirate oeuvre? Come on, chop something off for authenticity!