Monday, May 01, 2006

Mi Protesto! Ay! Ay!

As many of you know, I joined my "illegal" brothers and sisters in the march for peace yesterday. Actually, to be perfectly accurate, I wasn't able to join them-join them. I more like...spiritually joined them. There was a lot of work to do in the office.

BUT, in the spirit of their "we're going to do nada work today", I DID slack off a little more than usual. But it was for the Cause.

As Candie and I were walking back to the parking garage from the downtown gym, we found ourselves right behind a family of gringos carrying big American flags. My first instinct was, "These are upright Americans who stand for obeying the law of the land!" My second instinct was to quicken my pace and very soon, Candie and I joined them in their march. Sort of. I mean, I'm not sure they knew we were there, but we did walk a city block with them really close to us. So it was kind of like marching.

And I managed not to buy anything today! In order to show our financial clout, we all banded together and agreed not to buy ANYTHING all day long.

I'm going to pretend I bought those two jugs of $40 protein powder tomorrow. And also, I'm pretty sure since it's to help me get ripped for my upcoming role in the Everycity Shakespeare Show that it counts as a tax write-off. So theoretically I didn't buy anything today.

It felt great to be a part of something so much bigger than myself. To stand proudly with the many men and women who worked really hard to get where they are in life. Sure, I wasn't able to talk to most of them (my grasp of Spanish pretty much ends with "tortilla chip"), but you could just tell by looking into their eyes that they really appreciate this country, this government, and the laws that keep everything running like red, white, and blue clockwork.

I imagined my forefathers scrimping and saving every Irish Dubloon they could find and praying to the Blarney Stone, then piling into the brig of some fetid ship, as they faced disease, death, and dysentery, only to arrive at Ellis Island, wait some more, get their names kinda changed, and then enter this country after waiting some more and filling out lots of papers and stuff.

My sister-in-law, Waffelle, is doing the same thing. She has to wait a really long time before she becomes a citizen. It takes way too long, in my opinion. What they need to do is annex Mexico and just save everybody a lot of heartache. And while they're at it, they could pick up Canada and Puerto Rico just to save time. We'll be like England and the sun will never set on the American Empire.

I mean, it just makes sense.

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When I think of la Mehico, I think of you...Enchilada...


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Are you kidding? Annexing Mexico makes about as much sense as tying 100-lb weights to your ankles and jumping in a lake. That country has way too many problems.

I'm all for the legal kind of immigration. And you're right, it is FAR too complicated for people like Waffelle who are doing it the right way.

Queen, III said...

And why would ANYONE want to Annex Canada?! Leave them alone in their mediocrity...and their french-speaking.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

By the way, I think that enchilada plate belongs in my posts about disgusting food dishes. What's with that corn?

Fork said...

You're mocking the centuries old cuisine of my brothers and sisters from beyond the border! You know you love a good diabetes-lada every now and again!

Queen, III said...

And those countries need some good ol' American values...we could teach them how to bathe and turn they could teach us how to drink and NOT become alcoholics!

Bibb Leo File said...

Maybe we should try to make ourselves a tad less desirable a country to counteract all this immigration. How about converting to Communism? Nothing sends them running for the hills faster than a little socialist, all-for-one and one-for-all nonsense. I think "The Socialist People's Republic of American Unified Districts" has a nice patriotic ring to it. Go S.P.R.A.U.D.!

Tracy said...
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Fork said...

Now that I look at that picture, I'm not so sure it IS an enchilada. And if it is, I'm not so sure I want to eat it.

I think Bibb Leo File may be onto something. What if we painted all our buildings really bright colors, made our water undrinkable to people who aren't native, and threw our litter all over the place? That would make this country nice and undesireable.

Hey, it worked for--

I'd better not go there.

Anne said...

Food for thought. Everybody wants to immigrate to America, yet no one wants to support America. It's about time people stop having their cake and eating it too.

I think it stinks that it's harder to immigrate to the US the legal way.

Immigration is one of many crumbling areas. Secondary education anyone?

Anonymous said...

The corn looks relatively normal, but what's with the guacamole that looks like spinach and the sour cream that looks like runny marshmellow fluff?

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »