Monday, May 29, 2006


It's Memorial Day. That means some of us have the day off. I'm one of the lucky ones who gets to spend his day thinking "Should I go to the gym or should I just kick back?" when I ought to spend some quality time thinking about my late Grandfather who was a war hero in WWII. In fact, why don't we all do that right now?

**Insert moment of quiet reflection for U.S. servicemen here**

In related news, once again doesn't do anything special to their banner. Good grief, they decorate it for for Earth Day, for Muskrat Awareness Day, and Sherlock Holmes' birthday (and he's not even real!), but they didn't do anything special for Easter and now Memorial Day gets the shaft too. I tell ya, there's somethin' screwy goin' on over there...

Have a good one, gang! Eat a hot dog for Granddad!


Anonymous said...

Google is a wonderful service run by evil bastards. Huzzah for my dad and the rest of the vets. I actually ate two hot dogs for dinner.

The Cliff said...

I spent most of my Memorial Day on an airplane between an Arabic man and an African man (real African...not African American) and it made me thankful that in the U.S. where Memorial Day is celebrated...we use deoderant.

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