Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Made in Taiwan

I was skimming the news websites this morning and saw this headline:

Bodies found in Thai floods

Now, you have to understand. I love Thai food. If I could eat curry all my life--you know, the spicy, sweet, delicious kind--I would. In fact, all I know about Taiwan is I think their food is great.

So can you blame me when, upon reading that headline, my brain left out the L in floods?

All at once, curry lost its appeal. If people could be in my favorite food, what else could they be in?

I considered the little pouches of baby carrots I nibble on every day promptly at 11. Most of the time I don't even look at them. How many times have I pulled out a carrot and eaten it...without checking to make sure I wasn't eating a human finger?!

Dear God! How much man-flesh have I eaten?!

I think I'm gonna be sick.

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What evil lurks in the murky depths?


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

As long as you stay away from the soylent green, you should be okay.

Forky, I sometimes get neurotic about stuff like that, too. But worrying about everything is just as bad for you as trans-fats!

Fork said...

That's not necessarily true. Any dietitian worth his low-sodium salt will tell you trans-fats aren't good for you in any amount.

Meanwhile, worrying burns calories and, in extreme cases, gives you a terrific ab workout!

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Hey! I think that was a double-entendre!

Fork said...


I thought man-flesh sounded better than people-flesh or human-flesh.

Queen, III said...

hahahahahahaha!!!!! you're a bad mother.

Bibb Leo File said...

Man-flesh, eh? I haven't tried that yet. Is that the new appetizer on the TGIFriday's menu? Seems like I saw something like "Man-Flesh Pluckers with Jack Daniels Dipping Sauce" last time I was there.


Queen, III said...

okay, but Thailand is different than Tawian...I mean...I know you know that, but I'm just letting everyone else know that you know so they don't think that you're stupid...or maybe I'm stupid...they're not the same thing, are they? Oh my gosh...i feel like maybe I've slipped into an alternate universe. Am I even alive? What's my name? Maybe I'M in the Neverending Story!!!

Fork said...

I think I was just trying to be poetic. I HAVE been reading the best of H.P. Lovecraft. And if there's one thing that man was, it's weird. If there's another thing he was, it's verbose.

You know, like, "And the great G'Klhuthgoh fell from the stars in the distant aeons before the primordial formings of the spheres and descended upon the land to feed upon the heart of the earth and consume man-flesh."

I don't know if the great G'Klhuthgoh would like Jack Daniels Dipping Sauce though. Clearly there's some room for speculation.

And Queen III, Thailand and Taiwan are the same thing. Duh. Everybody knows that.

Fork said...

By the way, in case anyone was worried, you can relax your abs because there were NO human fingers in my bag of baby carrots.


Queen, III said...

No, it's not the same thing.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

I think it's funny that you had like ten comments over four or five hours before anybody noticed the Taiwan/Thailand thing. Or maybe they were just too polite to point it out. I admit I didn't notice.

Fork said...

They might as well be the same thing. They both use cat meat in their nasty cuisine!

Bibb Leo File said...

Just call it Thaiwan and get it over with. Some countries don't deserve to get their own names.

Fork said...

What should a country do to deserve a name?

Bibb Leo File said...

Not be dependent on other countries for sustenance and medicine. That or win an Olympic event. And I'm not picky about which one; they could take the gold in curling for all I care.

Queen, III said...

A country can't just HAVE a name...only a human child can give it it's name...Sebastian, you have the power...

Queen, III said...

And a-dub, I probably wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't talked about Thai food...I mean I at least know my food - and their correct regions!

Anonymous said...

A country should have to either rescue or conquer France in order to be a country. It doesn't matter which.

Seth Ward said...

I love the Neverending Story! I used to wish that I could hop on a luck dragon and chase down those little bastards that used to pick on me in the third grade.

Anonymous said...

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