Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Rosemary's Lyme Baby

Remember that scene in that creepiest of creepy movies, "Rosemary's Baby" where Rosemary, who has experienced an unusually painful (and evil!) pregnancy, starts to suspect the witches next door have something to do with it ("Pain is a sign that something is WRONG!") and she threatens to go to a real doctor, not the witch doctor? And suddenly the pain stops?

That totally just happened to me. I don't know if it had anything to do with my threatening to go to a "real" doctor in case it turns out the one yesterday misdiagnosed me...

...Or maybe it's just the antibiotics are working.

Either way, something sinister is *probably* going on. I think I may be carrying the devil's bacterium.

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1 comment:

Bibb Leo File said...

Jeez, that video you linked to your former post was seriously a downer. Take those antibiotics!

And what sort of gifts (electronic or otherwise) would the tick-ravaged Forky like to receive as pity-tokens? Does he have anything to read during his convalescence?