Saturday, October 18, 2008


I'm standing outside of the building where two of my friends are hosting a party.

Thing is, the party starts at 8. And it's 7:54 by Blackberry time.
Wait. 7:56.

It's never good to show up early to things like this. They're counting on the doorman *not* calling them till 8.


It would be rude of me to go in now. I want their phone to ring and them to look at the clock and say, "It's 8! Must be party guests!" Not "It's almost 8. Looks like some jerk is early. And I'm not finished making the cocktail weenies."


I'm not going to be that guy.

Come on clock.

Geeze, if this isn't the longest minute--AH! 7:59.

Okay. One more minute to go.

Or wait. Should I go in now? By the time the doorman announces me it'll be 8.


Well. Don't have to make that decision anymore.

Punctuality. The pride of princes.

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