Thursday, October 09, 2008

Mission Accomplished

So, while in South Carolina, I decided I was going to take my Dad shopping and we were going to get me an expensive new toy.  You know.  Be good Americans and put money back into the economy.

We went to Best Buy.

Me:  Hey Dad!  These iPhones SURE ARE COOL, aren't they?

Dad:  Yep.  They sure are.

Me:  I mean, my phone is all cracked and stuff.  These things DON'T BREAK!

Dad:  Nope.

Me:  It would be SO COOL to have all your gadgets together on ONE DEVICE, wouldn't it?  I mean, music, videos, maps, addresses, phone...all right there!  Instead of having to carry around a whole bunch of things!

Dad:  Yeah.  It would.

Okay.  That didn't work.  Let's try again.

Me:  Hey!  This is a mini-laptop!  They're all the rage right now!

Dad:  Sure is small.

Me:  Yeah!  It doesn't have a whole lot of bells and whistles.  Just basic computing.  Word processing, internet, email...everyone in New York has one right now.

Dad:  Really?

Me:  Yeah!  I keep thinking how cool it would be to have one...they're only 2 can take it to a cafe and write and stuff...and when you're done, just snap it shut and toss it in a bag!  Wouldn't that be HANDY?

Dad:  Sure would.

No dice.  Okay.  Video games.  I can ALWAYS get my parents to get me a video game.

Me:  Oh WOW!  Here's a game I REALLY WANT.

Dad:  Oh yeah?

Me:  Yeah!  It looks like SOOO MUCH FUN.  I'd really like to GET this game!

Dad:  (no response)

Me:  I GUESS I'll get it when I'm back in New York.

Dad:  (no response)

Me:  (putting the game back)  Rassafrackinrassarassa...

On the way out...

Dad:  Hey look.  Blu-Ray DVDs.  Have you ever seen a Blu-Ray movie?

Me: (grumbly)  Yes.  My PS3 doubles as a Blu-Ray player.

Dad:  It does?

Me:  Yes, it does.  (spotting the Nightmare Before Christmas special edition Blu-Ray DVD)  And I NEED this or I WILL DIE.

So yeah.  I got something.  Hey.  My Dad didn't want blood on his hands.


Bibb Leo File said...

Good lord. Have you ever read any Karl Marx? Das Kapital? Does the phrase "commodity fetishism" ring any bells?

Did you lay down in the floor and kick, or just hold your breath?

Fork said...

No. Just a simple, yet firm, push to the cash register. It's amazing how a little effort can get you so much!