Monday, August 08, 2005

Today's Lunch

What It Was: Leftover Chicken-Marinara Spaghetti (with a shot of Tabasco).

Notes: This one took a little more effort than most of my lunches do/should. Instead of scooping up a single spoonful of something and slopping it into a tupperware container, I had to make two trips; one scoop for the noodles and another scoop for the sauce.

Vertict: Not as difficult as the common sandwich but not as easy as beans 'n' franks, preparing leftover spaghetti for a trip to the office takes some effort. Two Snoozes.

(Note: This rating system is based on the speed with which you can throw together your daily lunch and run out the door. The quicker it is, the more times you can hit the snooze button on your alarm clock!)

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