Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Mojito Madness!

I have to admit, working for Eventual Practical Financial Services Corp. definitely has its perks. Not only do I get a paycheck every other Thursday (YES!), I also get loads of free stuff!

Planes are crashing, Natalee's still missing, Jews are being evicted, BTK is going to trial, Iraq is struggling with its constitution, and the release date for the new Zelda game has been pushed back to 2006, but amidst all the chaos, Eventual still finds time to party.

Last night we had our company outing and I learned what a mojito was.

I'll never be the same.

According to the official recipe, which we all received a copy of last night, "You must add love, care and patience when you mix a Mojito."

The drink looks really weird, doesn't it? That's because there are smushed up limes and spearmint leaves floating in it, along with all that love, care and patience.

If you want to try one, I'll be serving them at my apartment henceforth.

Y'know, it's high time they figured out how to make a drink with love as one of the main ingredients. Forget Coke! I'd like to buy the world a mojito!


Anonymous said...

The mojitos at Cuba Libre are faaaaabulous! Mmm, I could go for one right now.

By the way, a small correction... BTK (my FAVE serial killer!) isn't going to trial. He's being sentenced. He isn't having a trial because he pled guilty.

Fork said...

And from what I read on, he didn't really torture anybody either. But he couldn't very well go around calling himself "BK". I can see the headlines: "Burger King Strangler Strikes Again!"

Patrick Lafferty said...

I was served said concoction recently at a wedding rehearsal dinner.

one solitary dose, and, well...oh my, it was potent.

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »