Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I keep meaning to do an update, but with these 12-12 tech know how it is.

We've got the usual cast of characters.

Rigid blonde music theatre actress who was queen of her musical theatre program at the college she recently graduated from? Who is trying to secretly direct the show but is herself unwilling to commit to big choices because she's so afraid of looking stupid on stage? Check.

Her best friend, our stage manager, who frustrates easily and is prone to using f-bombs as motivators? Check.

Clueless/absent costume "designer" who blew her $2000 budget shopping at expensive department stores instead of going for cheap look-alikes? Check.

Rather spastic assistant to the composer who hates the costume lady with a livid passion? Gotcha.

Two band members instead of the original four? Check.

A slew of old hippies who want to make art and be mad about all things government? And who won't go to the cast party unless it's somewhere where they "can" smoke the reefer? Oh yeah.

I mean, the gang's all here!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a party!!
When you do open? This weekend?

The Cliff said...

WooHoo!! It's like the PG-13 version of Scooby and the Gang!!

Anonymous said...

This is really, really wonderful.
