Friday, March 28, 2008

Forkulele Friday

New song is up! This is the one I was going to play for that disasterous Seussical the Meussical audition earlier this week.
But I don't want to talk about that.
I feel fat. Maybe a nose job would help me feel better.

The recording isn't insanely great or anything--I'm in full Cat in the Hat mode which means it sounds less like American Idol and more like someone singing a song with a ukulele--but this is one I figured out myself with no assistance! So that counts for something, right?

Two weekends left of our illustrious ukulele musical. Will it move to Off-Broadway? Who knows...

Click here to go there!


Anonymous said...

I just ate some ice cream.

I need a nose job.

Fork said...

I can't stop admiring my Microsoft Paint Cat in the Hat hat. I looks like the real deal. Maybe Seuss used MSPaint?

Bibb Leo File said...

I just ate two metric tons of sticky lemon bar goodness, and I feel I need to pierce something to relieve the pressure.

Nose or nipple?

And your hat isn't that good. I think the hands are the real accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

It's an interesting question.

I'm going to go with "no."

But it is interesting...