Friday, March 21, 2008

Okay Friday

It's Good Friday.

You know what that means.

In three days we get to eat chocolate rabbits.

It also means my parents are coming to New York City. My dad's plane just landed. My mom's visiting NYC for what I THINK may be the first time in her life. She gets into Manhattan around 9.

And I have a job interview at 3. Did I tell you guys about this? The guy named Joseph who called and said he would light not a 50 cent or 25 cent candle, but a TWO DOLLAR candle for me. Because Wednesday was the Feast of St. Joseph and he felt it was lucky for me. And he wants to help people. That one day he's coming back as an Italian angel so he can continue to help people, eat pastries, and not have to worry about dying.

"And remember, tell him you're not looking at this receptionist position as a job, but a CAREER!"

Meanwhile, my roommate seems to think we're running a hotel for him and his friends.

Oh well. It's Easter.

Okay. Gotta go pick up my dad from Penn Station.

Eat a bunny for me.

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