Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day


Anonymous said...

You're a bad bad man.

Seth Ward said...

Btw, naked boy, I almost called you 9 times this week to go see a movie.

I never got the time. Had free tickets and everthang.

When the Lady and I get back though, we gonn parteee, if you can keep up with the Wardonaters.

Btw, I just watched American in Paris the other night... Gene Kelly... almost turned me sissy.

Bibb Leo File said...

Hey! All you out there in Blogland! Bibb Leo File's lameass attempt to write a story online is over! He's back making witty commentary that's fun for the whole family...except your little sister. She wouldn't get it.

Anyway, head on over to The Eagle and Child for some chuckles if you've the time. Today's topic is Obama. Can he be stopped? Should he be stopped? Why is Hillary so robotic? She's like the female Al Gore! And so on...

Just click on "Bibb Leo's Blog" on Forky's page and let the "real" intellectual humor begin!

Oh yeah.

Your bear was pretty damn funny.