Sunday, February 03, 2008

Get this

If you don't live in New York or if you didn't make the trip up here while this movie was in theatres, you probably have not seen this.

But now that it's out on DVD, you really can't afford not to. Especially since, for some reason, it's an expensive DVD (probably due to its "arthouse" label) and since it's new, it's probably on sale!

I know. It's a documentary about a video game.

But here's the thing: if you have even a passing interest in video games--like, if you can say "yes" when asked, "Have you ever played Ms. Pac Man or Q*Bert in an arcade?" then you WILL LOVE this movie. It's fascinating. It's hilarious. The story and characters couldn't be any more incredible if they had been made up.

But they're not. THEY'RE REAL. Sure, you're manipulated a little so you have no choice but to root for the underdog. But I sort of feel like that's okay. Considering the wacky characters and egos invloved, they probably didn't have to do THAT much manipulating.

Odds are, if you're a girl reading this post, you're going to say, "Thanks, but no thanks."

*sigh* No one ever listens to me.

1 comment:

Queen, III said...

OMG!!! I've already seen it...twice!! I hate Billy Mitchell! WHAT a loser!!! I only love Steve Wiebe. And that "video tape" of his record setting Donkey Kong game was B.S.!!!! I am so into this movie, that I think I might actually go to the next gaming championship. (Okay, that's a lie. I'm not THAT into it.)