Sunday, February 03, 2008

The End of the World

Seriously, what the crap?

We're supposed to hit 51 degrees today (it's February! In NEW YORK!). Now don't get me wrong. I really do like not having to pile on layers of clothing so's to make walking around the City a little more snuggly and a little less are-you-kidding-me cold, but dude. This is ridonkulous.

It feels like the end of the world.

But that's not all!

How is it I've finished three games in the span of one week? That's unheard of. You see, these days I have little time for games. I typically have even less interest in finishing them. But there you are! Just finished a stack of them. Games I'd been playing for months! And "FOOF" they're done. All at the same time.

Is the universe trying to tell me something? Is something big and final about to occur?

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