Thursday, February 14, 2008

Forkulele Friday

Forkulele Friday is back with a vengance.

Today we have not one, but TWO new songs on the Forkulele page.

Both of them are pretty rough, but I still love them. Like my own children.

And yes, that IS "Doo-wakka-doo-wakka-doo" you're hearing in the second song.

The second ditty began as a singing exercise for the ukulele musical. It was an attempt to make practicing my harmonies a little easier and learning to ease up a bit in the singing of my solos--they were technically fine but needed to be a relaxed.

EN-y-WayZ, I couldn't resist making a full recording of it. I don't actually sing this song in the show--just play and sing some harmony oohs and aahs.

But I love it. I usually have a problem singing songs about ukuleles because they smack of weirdo 50 year old hippies who couldn't think of anything else to write about. But...there's just something about the tune. There's something about it.

Oh. And check THIS out. Doesn't it look wonderfully absurd??

And--now this is exciting--unless there was some confusion somewhere in getting the information out, they've slashed an "Off" off of off-off.

In other words, this little musical may actually be OFF-Broadway.

I'm so excited I'm posting a picture of a cute kid to the top of this post. Scroll back up and look at it. Feel that smile that's curling up on the side of your mouth? Yeah.
Hellz yeah.
Happy Friday!

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