Monday, September 04, 2006

"Hey New York!"

I need your help.

When I get off the bus at Penn Station or emerge from the subway in Times Square...

What do I say? You know, you're supposed to say something. Like, "Hey New York! Here I am!" or "Hey you big buildings! Hey you big lights! You pay attention because here I am!"

What do I say?


Tracy said...

I recommend that you greet NYC and introduce yourself in song!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I agree tracy...

NYC, just got here this morning,
3 bucks, 2 bags, one me...

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Or how about dropping your bags, throwing open your arms, and singing:

New York, New York!
A hell of a town!
The Bronx is up and the Battery's down,
The people ride in a hole in the ground,
New York, New York--
it's a hell of a town!

Anonymous said...

Just show em your abs, that should do it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You stride up to the corner of 46th and Broadway, silently, smiling to yourself. You reach the feet of the statue of George M. Cohan, look up, wink at him, and then turn to walk away. As you leave, hum softly to yourself, "Give my regards to Broadway..."

Bibb Leo File said...

OK, Forky, here's what you do:

1. Go to the exterior of the Port Authority building on 40th & 8th and stand directly in front of the statue of Ralph Kramden and assume the same pose as the statue (i.e. one hand on one lapel).
2. Stand perfectly still for a while until the passersby begin to think you're a mime or some other worthless street performer.
3. Pick any unassuming woman who walks by, grab her by the arm with one swift motion, and yell in your best Jackie Gleason voice, "One-ah these days, Alice...Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!" (or you can substitute "Right in the kisser!" depending on your preference and the woman's disposition).

Dr. T said...

Gotta go with "NYC" - it's just too perfect.