Thursday, September 07, 2006

Back in Countryville

Move Update:

The countdown begins. Four days left.

I'm back home with Mom and Dad in our fine house in Countryville. It's time for the final sorting. I have two large suitcases and one carry-on size suitcase. Now that all of my worldly possessions...and I do mean ALL...are in my bedroom here, it's time to go through the final sorting and decide what goes, what stays, what gets chucked, what gets hawked, what gets boxed and what gets burned in the furnace. Now I know how God must feel with the whole sheep and goats thing.

"You please me little teddy. You are soft and warm and being back happy memories. Enter in and join me at the banquet table."


"Depart from me, O ye cursed socks! Ye old, old socks! And you too, ye books! Ye books who I have read only once but for some reason insisted on keeping for years and years. Out! Out! Out damned sock!"

I was curiously unemotional as I left my empty apartment yesterday morning. I tried to work up some tears by listening to sad songs on my iRene as I drove out of town, past all my familiar haunts, knowing that there's a chance I might never see them again. But even the sad songs didn't do anything for me.

It wasn't until I passed through Wackytown and hit the miles and miles of rolling hills and feilds that I realized I might never make this particular drive again. Then I thought about Queen III all alone in Everycity with that nutty little poodle of hers, ADub and Dr. No starting back at good ol' Alma Mater U, Bibb Leo File and his Little Woman having just moved near Everycity from Pfarawayville, Matt and Kimmie G and their theatre company, the Cachinnator and Boscoe and Beeki and the cocker spaniels and all those other crazy folks...and just when the cool weather was starting to creep into the Everycity forecast...

Who could ever bear to leave?

Oh yes. And Nelson. Nelson, everyone's favorite cat (seriously...he really is everyone's favorite cat. Ask around if you don't believe me), is staying with the Leo File family for a time. I don't know that he has city life running through his little kitty veins. We'll see.

I leave for Le Cité Grande on the morning of September 11th. That's this coming Monday. I feel like I'm going off to war or something. But's just a city like anyplace else. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?!

(feel free to answer those famous last words in the comments section)


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

You could become a Yankee.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

You could get mugged Every. Single. Day.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

You could gain 30 lbs on cheap pizza and bagels.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

You could discover that the world actually isn't round and that going over the horizon just dumps you off the edge of the earth. (There's actually quite a bit of evidence against this one, so: unlikely.)

Fork said...

I'll never become a dirty Yankee. NEVER.

Bibb Leo File said...

Maybe not a Yankee, but you're bound to end up as a carpet-bagger.