Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mission UNpossible

Time for another 42nd Floor poll!

I don't think there can be any question about how crazy we all think--er--know Tom Cruise is.

It certainly doesn't help his image that we've all had to stand by this past year and watch him couch jump, give stupid interviews, and drag sweet little Katie Holmes to the Scientologist funny farm.

So I'm curious. Are any of you going to see this kook in "Mission: Impossible: 3"? After all, they say Tom is the biggest star in the world. People flock to his movies. They can't help themselves.

Or can they?

Honestly, deep down in my thetan, I eagerly await the day when Tom Cruise becomes box-office poison. Like Joan.

So...will you go see him?

"Tom! Bring me the axe!"


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

No. I didn't bother seeing the last one, because the first one was kind of dumb. I did see the thing about aliens last summer and regretted it. He only has one trick in his acting bag, and I am so over "shiny-eyed intensity."

Bibb Leo File said...

I would only see the film if Chuck Norris made a cameo appearance and delivered a well-placed roundhouse ki... to Tom's all-too-perfect (yet beginning to age imperceptibly?) 20 million-dollar face. Let's see how well L. Ron Hubbard's mind tricks stand up against good ol' fashioned Buddhist/Born-Again Christian butt-kicking!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the first two, and I'd rather eat a raw Roundhouse Ki than see this one. One caveat... if I were given a free ticket I'd consider it. Not because I have any interest, but because I'll do almost anything that's free.


Fork said...

Personally, I'd rather take a Roundhouse Ki to the face than see that wacko.


The Cliff said...

If I were given a free ticket and promised free popcorn and a soda (and maybe sour-patch kids) I'd go...but only to see Philip Seymour Hoffman...That dude's amazing!!

Tracy said...

The idea that any woman should remain silent while passing a watermelon sized object through something, well, much smaller than a watermelon, was most surely conceived (pardon the pun) by a man! L. crazy!

Anonymous said...

My favorite comment on the article Forky linked was, "Perhaps Katie Holmes could hold Tom Cruise's testicles throughout the birth and see if he remains silent!!!" --Julie Lisle, Macau

That's awesome.

Anonymous said...

I also didn't see the second one because, you know, the first one was so boring. So, no. Besides, he's not so handsome anymore; he's developing that creepy, big-eyed, soulless look that other Scientologists seem to have. Plus he's like 4 foot 7.

Queen, III said...

Yes, I'm also boycotting short men. So, I say to hell with Tom Cruise!! I'll go see the Mission Impossible movies when they cast T.O. What? I deserve to see my obsession on the silver screen! What?!

Fork said...

That was brilliant, Jenny. Utterly brilliant!