Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Xenu it!

The people have searched their hearts and thetans and have finally spoken!

What's even crazier than letting illegal immigrants conga-line their way across our feeble borders (cha-cha-cha!)?

What's even crazier than Paula Abdul?

Why, L. Ron Hubbard and his looney band of couch-jumping acolytes, of course! There are loads of crazy things out there, but Scientology is the nuttiest of them all. Thanks for the laughs, L. Ron! As long as Tom Cruise is out there, there are bound to be many, many more!

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"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion." -L. Ron Hubbard


Queen, III said...

At least he backed up his theories with solid evidence! However, you'd think that he could come up with a religion a little more plausible...

Anonymous said...

I wish I didn't have a conscience or a soul. I'd start spouting crap too. I'd totally be able to get an army of nutty movie stars to follow my teachings.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »