"You know, once upon a time, there was a naked guy who modeled for Michelangelo. I'd love for your Mom to tell him he didn't have a job. -the Cachinnator
I'm going to have to say Annie Mae...ever since Anime girls came out i've questioned my secret love for Disney's Cartoon girls. I can't choose something that will take me away from a secret life long crush....damn it...i just gave away my secret...oh well...maybe everyone will forget by the time I come home
Annie Mae all the... wait a sec... Q3 already took mine...
Boscoe... no one will ever forget your love for cartoon girls. Ew. The very idea of you and Velma is creeping me out right now. You're a sick sick man.
Are you people nuts? Those anime girls would kick Annie Mae's butt all around their brightly colored soccer field! Have you ever watched any anime? They can fly and scream REALLY loud, not to mention the massive amounts of sparkly energy they can conjure out of thin air! Those two girls would hurl a flaming bolt of spinning lights and otherwordly power that would reduce Annie Mae to a smoking crater. (And they would giggle girlishly while they did it.)
I'm going to have to say Annie Mae...ever since Anime girls came out i've questioned my secret love for Disney's Cartoon girls. I can't choose something that will take me away from a secret life long crush....damn it...i just gave away my secret...oh well...maybe everyone will forget by the time I come home
Annie Mae all the way!
Annie Mae all the... wait a sec... Q3 already took mine...
Boscoe... no one will ever forget your love for cartoon girls. Ew. The very idea of you and Velma is creeping me out right now. You're a sick sick man.
Annie Mae!
Annie Mae. I hear she makes great cherry pie.
Are you people nuts? Those anime girls would kick Annie Mae's butt all around their brightly colored soccer field! Have you ever watched any anime? They can fly and scream REALLY loud, not to mention the massive amounts of sparkly energy they can conjure out of thin air! Those two girls would hurl a flaming bolt of spinning lights and otherwordly power that would reduce Annie Mae to a smoking crater. (And they would giggle girlishly while they did it.)
I'm with Bibb on this one. How can you guys vote for some cajun cook when animé girls kick so much butt?
^ ^
(that's supposed to be a happy animé face. Imagine it also holding up its hand in the "V for Victory" pose.
Keep up the good work » » »
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