Friday, April 07, 2006


**An Official 42nd Floor Poll**
What's Crazier?!

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President Bush's Immigration Reform Policy

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Paula Abdul


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with Scientology. Paula is disqualified because she's not crazy, she's just stoned. And Bush's immigration reform policy is undoubtedly nuts, but so are all the alternatives. And none of them can really hold a candle to a 'religion' invented in most of the planet's lifetime by a science fiction writer. When the Vampire Lestat is your head prophet, it's time to start faith shopping.

Anonymous said...

L. Ron Hubbard, that's f&!+^# nuts!


The Cliff said...

Amen and Amen to that Cach...For once we totally agree (even though its fun to argue with you).

Scientology Is the craziest...The only thing that could be crazier is if Paula Abdul became a Scientologist and then got deported!!

Anonymous said...

the tom cruise religion thing

Bibb Leo File said...

I agree with the popular vote on this one, but I feel that we must qualify our assertion that Scientology is the craziest by adding that Tom Cruise has contributed around 35-40% more crazy to an already seriously effed-up pseudo-religion just by being himself. Had we chosen John Travolta as our main spokesperson, for example, ... oh, who am I kidding, that Scientology be cray-Z!

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

They're all SO CRAZY. I'm tempted to go with the popular opinion (because Scientology KILLS!), but I just mailed a ginormous check to the IRS (Imps Representing Satan) this morning, so I'm voting for the immigration reform policy that would actually encourage more illegal immigration by basically saying, "aw, heck, we don't miiiiind!" I love you, President Bush, but get a grip! Just because you loved your sweet Mexican nanny doesn't mean I want to pay to educate all her grandkids, you know?

Queen, III said...

Scientology totally wins. But, the one good thing they have brought us is the answer to why we have emotional pain: we were all once turtles crawling out of the ocean and birds pecked at out heads. It brings me so much peace just to have answers!

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