Wednesday, March 29, 2006

On My Way...

When most people go to New York, they go to a big-time Broadway show like Phantom or Les Miz or the Lion King. Expensive, splashy, touristy stuff.

Normally, I get really excited about those big commercial shows.

Not this time.

No, THIS is what I'm excited about as I prepare for my weekend trip to the Big Apple:

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The world-famous CAT CIRCUS! Who needs Stanislavski when you've got acrobat cats? Maybe there will even be some cat juggling! I hear a flea circus is showing right next door...

I'll be leaving Everycity tomorrow morning and returning Sunday evening. Bon voyage to me!

Seriously, this cat looks like it's having the time of its life.


Bibb Leo File said...

Is that Nelson? Has he finally made good on his promise to join the circus? I thought it was just another plea for attention! Come home, Nelsie, come home! We love you!

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Sucks to be the clowns who get third billing behind cats and dogs!

But still... amazing! Wonder what kind of threats and coercion those people have to use to get cats to do tricks???

Queen, III said...

I was thinking the same thing, A-dub! Cats don't typically volunteer to do tricks for audiences of large people...makes one wonder...

Bibb Leo File said...

They probably just threaten the feline performers with the dreaded "kitty-tickler" or refuse to allow them access to their jingle toys. Heartless bastards.

Anonymous said...

This is pure evil. "Cat Circus" is as unappealing a phrase as "Hamster Burger." It's cat slavery! Cats don't belong in a circus. Everyone knows that if they had their choice all cats would lie around and do nothing but waste oxygen.

BTW - my magic word at the bottom is yhahu. That's fun. Yhahu.

Anonymous said...

And hey, jerkface, my blog is certainly not dead! Is it a daily blog? No, but then I don't have a pointless job in which I can pretend to work while really blogging! I demad, (that one's for you, Forky), to be removed from the graveyard!

Secret word: rskfit. That's a good one too.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Well, how were the cats? And the interview?

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