Monday, November 07, 2005

Week 45

For those of you who haven't been following along, this is officially the beginning of work week 45. Do you know why that's such a big deal? Because there are only 52 work weeks in the year. So let's count how many weeks are left in 2005, shall we? Let's see here...

One (counting this week, of course)








Can you believe that? In two weeks it will be Thanksgiving. And then it will be Christmas--er--Holidaymas. Sorry. You can't say "Xmas" on the 42nd Floor. There are too many people who might be offended or feel left out. So bear that in mind as you prepare to celebrate the Feast of Babylon (or FoB, as the kids have taken to calling it).


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Hey, come to think of it, you've been working on the 42nd Floor for quite a while now if it's almost time for your 2nd Holidaymas with them!

Fork said...

Wow. Two Holidaymases? By gum, you're right! That's two Holidaymases too many, if you want to know what I think!

Queen, III said...

I can't wait until the next Holidaymas party!!!!! Can I come?

Queen, III said...

Thanks chimchim! It is least without all the money...but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I'm filty, stinking rich! Only a matter of time...also I probably won't be married until I'm 45 and I defiately won't have any children come from my womb, but I do plan on spoiling a few! What fun! And throwing lots of faulous parties...when I get some money that is...

Fork said...

Feel free to vote for whichever week you love best. There won't be prizes or anything, but hey. Knock yourself out.

Fork said...

Good Lord! I forgot about F. Scott! He's taking a beer tour of Europe even as we speak!

F. Scott, are you okay?!

Your vote has been duly noted.

(Switching on 'announcer persona')

So far, week 7 is in the lead! Who will win?!

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Fscott, I'm so jealous! A beer tour of Europe, huh? How very... decadent of you.

Queen, III said...

Beer?! It sounds disgusting! do they have fruity-drink tours of Europe?

Fork said...

Yes, they do, Queen III. It's a tour of France's newest drink, La Voiture Incendiaire, the Flaming Car!

Queen, III said...

It sounds delish! I'll take two!

Fork said...

Week six is currently in the lead with week seven trailing behind! Who will win?!