Thursday, November 03, 2005

One Swell Word

You'll want to use this word as soon as you know what it means! I promise!


The Cliff said...

Sounds like my roommate....

Patrick Lafferty said...

paranoid thought of what others might be thinking: "his teaching was so viscous in its content (clogged, overly complicated), so toxic in its tone, so splattered and unrelenting...the only thing it could be compared to was chronic rhinorrhea."

say, chimchim, self-deprecation is a kind of humility, but associating yourself with Dirty Dancing girl--it may be humility run amok; there's a reason she only made one movie

Fork said...

Oww... Tie Man make my brain hurt.

It's just a fancy way of saying you've got a runny nose! Just think! When you're standing in line at the train station you can pull out your cell phone and say loudly, "Yeah, the doctor says I have a highly contageous case of rhinorrhea."

That line will clear out before you can blow your nose!

And last time I checked, this was a blog about me. Not Mandie Ringweld. Please bear that in mind and try not to get so off-topic in the future.

Carry on.

Patrick Lafferty said...

[disregarding the blogkeeper's admonition with bald insouciance]:

(blush)chimchim, i sit corrected...upon closer review, i was sorely mistaken....indeed that is "whoever you are in my house, I have a scorching case of herpes" girl...but their similar resemblance is uncanny!

Anonymous said...

Uncanny, indeed.

The Cliff said...

Ferris Bueller's Day Off - 1986 Costaring Jennifer Grey (chimchim's photo)

Dirty Dancing - 1987 Staring Jennifer Grey

Same Actress in both movies. Then she got a nose job and lost all credibility in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

And when you lose credibility in Hollywood, that's bad!

The Cliff said...

Especially after you have a nose job...usually that helps people out.

Grizham said...

That is such an awesome word.

The Cliff said...

Yeah, i'm just imagining Jennifer Grey's rhinorrhea pre-nosejob!!!!!!!

Grizham said...

Oh, and Forky, thanks for a lovely change of name, but I love this version now, instead of the old Scots version.

As for rhinorreha, I had a breadbowl today and about rhinorreha'd several times in my napkin.

Fork said...

The best part of that word is that it sounds SO much worse than it is.

"Ew! He got rhinorrhea all over his sleeve!"

Anonymous said...

I missed all of this because of a migrain! D@mn. Anyway - back to Jennifer Gray - she's been in more things than the two movies and after she had her nose job, they tried to make a sitcom with her as the star. It wasn't really a hit: it was cancelled after a season. We all miss the nose!