Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fat Trickery

The Shaking-Spear-a-thon (have to be cautious--that Google search engine is a fell beast) is OVER.

It's MORE than over. It's OVAR.

Thank the LORD. I'm sorry, but two nights walking up 8th Avenue at 4:45am was enough to make me call that theatre company's artistic director and tell her that keeping actors until that time in the morning isn't only cruel, it's DANGEROUS.

Didn't I tell you about the robbery two winters ago? I was coming from an audition after dark, walking up 8th Avenue, when BANG! BANG! Two gunshots. Screaming. People running. Then two cars peeling out and zooming past me and a frightened family of French tourists.

But I digress.

YES! Danger! On the streets! I kept thinking about the gloomy predictions of those professional trend-watchers who all agree that New York City is headed for pre-Giuliani-ville FAST. It gives one pause.

In other news, Parker Posey was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. Just like what I had. Maybe I should call it "our" Lyme disease.


JBos said...

At least you won't be in the remote scary parts when it happens.

JBos said...

Ignore my spelling-don't know how to edit it...