Friday, August 28, 2009

What a Weekend...

It begins now.

Went to the gym this morning.

On the choo-choo to New Jersey right now. Beginning work on the Ezekiel sculpture. This is gonna hurt. A lot.

After that? It's off to see some old friends of mine from Everycity, TX in their Fringe show.

After that, it's back to the gym to get/do the new kettlebell routine.

After that, it's home for a little while to print script pages and get organized for...

The Shakespearathon. That email I sent out was a total bust as only two of the, like, 20 people I sent it to could manage to make any kind of pledge. I know times is tough, but come on. Two bucks, people. I'm not asking for your life savings. I don't know why this is annoying to me. I don't even really LIKE this theatre company all that much. I suppose I thought attaching my name to something like this would generate a smidge more interest.

Whatever. It's all good.

And by "good" I mean "dreadful". The hurricane is here and New York City is set to be soaked all weekend. Which is especially lame because I'm participating in two very late nigh portions of this blasted fund-raiser. The first is tonight from 1am-4am, the second is tomorrow from 10pm-4am.

And with subways running once every half hour at that time of morning, there's an excellent chance I won't be getting home until 6am from both of these readings.

Which is why I'm praying the rain scares our audience away, if only for the late-night portion. If nobody's there when we start reading at 1am, will they really ask us to stay?

Why did I agree to something like this? Well, the woman who is running this thing is also a director of Off-Broadway shows. I guess I figured if I scratched her back she might scratch mine sometime.

Yeah. Or maybe I'm just a chump.

Anyhow, it's gonna be a wild 48 hours. Here we go...

-- Post From My iPhork


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

(averting eyes from the nudity) Sorry I didn't contribute to your weird all-night-theater thing. It wasn't due to poverty (although...) it was the one minute it would have taken. Seriously. It's been crazy around here.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Obviously, it's slowed down a little, since I'm doing this at 9:16 AM, but... back to work!