Wednesday, September 02, 2009


At the airport waiting to board the delayed flight to Hilt On Head. The parents rented a villa for the week and the fam has been coming and going the past few days. Lameness abounds, however, as most everybody, including my niece and nephew, went back to work this week instead of taking a day off to see moi.

So it's just me and Dad for the next four days.

Me and Dad. At a beach resort. With a LOT of scotch.

This is gonna be awesome.


But first I have to get over this horrible urge to purge. When the computer lady called to tell me the flight had been delayed I thought, great! I can go grab breakfast at a diner!

I chose Renaissance because the quality is generally high and the amount of food you get for your dining dollar is also high.

But not this time. You'd thing breakfast would be prime business time for a diner.

There was soap in the water. The home fries tasted of day-old cooking grease. I could (though probably shouldn't've) barely choked down the omlete.

And now my stomach wants to empty itself.

But no. Must be strong. Just keep playing iPhone games. This too shall pass.

-- Post From My iPhork


JBos said...

Drink up! Enjoy the sun!

Bibb Leo File said...

Sounds like an episode of Arrested Development.

You and Pop-Pop have a good time, but watch out for seals.