Monday, August 10, 2009

Back in Business

The Internet man came. Oh wow. The iPhone just capitalized "Internet" for me. Whoa! It did it again! I didn't realize the Internet was a proper noun.

Yep. I decided the new TV was a little more of an extravagant Christmas-style gift so instead I went with...

An iPhone.

Now, some of you may remember a couple of years ago when I bought an iPhone 3G. I hated it.

But time heals everything and after becoming a big fan of the app store through iNez, my iTouch, I started warming up to the blasted thing especially now they've put it on steroids (what do you think the S stands for?) and made they keyboard bigger. But it wasn't until I figured out you could watch movies--yes, talking pictures--on this thing and that doing so makes a subway trip WAY more tolerable--that I decided I was ready to leave buttons behind.

And so far I'm fairly pleased. In true Apple fashion, the first time I tried to browse photos and use the camera the stupid thing crashed. But my first iPhone crashed every time a dead cat sneezed so this wasn't a huge surprise.

But now that the initial bugs are out of the way--man. This thing. I got lost looking for the restaurant I was supposed to meet Sethro and Syrup at for din din.

I was annoyed at first. Then, quite suddenly, I remembered I didn't HAVE to be lost.

I pulled out the iPhork and hit the maps button. In no time flat, Big iBrother had fixed his eye on me from outer space. And in old-fashioned Russian submarine style, it followed me as I walked to blocks east and found the restaurant.

I'm now convinced that every new New Yorker needs to be issued one of these things when they move to the City. It's like...the future, man.

In other news, the drama with Nutty has passed, but if he doesn't pay his share of the rent today he's in for a surprise. Because I know where his violin is.

-- Post From My iPhork

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