Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Nearly there.

I would post pictures, but I forgot to bring my memory card reader. I'm pretty sure it's at the other apartment.

And by Other Apartment, I don't mean the one behind the little door that seems really great but is actually a trap. I mean the one that I used to live in.

And every time I make a trip back there I wonder why I put up with it for so long. I guess because moving kinda sucks.

Seriously. It's not been the most fun thing I've ever done in my life.

But what AM I thinking? I've completely forgotten to mention the play I'm in rehearsals for.

It's an adaptation if this cheerful story. I'm playing Robert.

Yes. More feminist drama. And you know what THAT means. Yep. And we've got 'em. In spades.

It's actually kind of irritating. I don't think I've ever been in or read a piece of feminist theatre that didn't have some sort of lezbionic overtones. It's so weird. I know men are pigs and y'all girls want to be free and all, but seriously. SRSLY.

Okay. Time for bed.


Anonymous said...

Screw this. I want more McNutty posts. NO, I DEMAND more McNutty posts. If you took those posts down because that couple of nincompoops threatened you or something, you are not quite the writer I thought you were. Let them BOIL in their stupidity. You can only imagine what kinds of things they've said about you to whomever they spend their crazy, idiotic time with.


Hamburger Helper. AKA, the "Black Neighbor."

JBos said...

Actually, I didn't get that at all from the script. I WOULD feel that you are denying your feminine side except that you wimped out and removed those posts!

Bibb Leo File said...

Well, at least you didn't have to do any of that super-cervix crap Virginia Woolf crammed down our throats before she drowned herself. Compared to the great Bloomsbury in Bloomers, Chopin is a lesbian lightweight.

*sigh* Why can't they all be like Sappho?