Wednesday, August 26, 2009

End of August

August is almost over.

That's pretty good, if you ask me.

Things have slowed back down again, for the most part. The show is over, summer art classes are finished... tonight is my last night modeling for this Christian artists group out in Brooklyn.

Not much else to report. Well, actually, there IS, but right now I don't have time to write it all down. Stuff like the Shakespearathon, teaching the new kettlebell class, beginning a sculpture based on Ezekiel or Isaiah or something, intentionally gaining weight with a weight-loss app on my iPhork which I love, a trip to a beachside villa in September and Disney World in October...

Yeah. I'd write about all that stuff.

But I don't have time.

Gotta start moving toward the subway.


JBos said...

You are the only person I know who is in a field that values thin and is constantly trying to get bigger while all around him are trying to eat lettuce and get smaller. Haven't you heard of the Hollywood Diet?

kenley said...

When will you be in Disney World in October? WE're going to be there too! Wild...