Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday Night Musings

I walked seven miles today. That's 15679 steps. Unfortunately, walking that far does not burn as many calories as you would think. You'd imagine that burning, like, a thousand or two. Nope. Try a paltry 636.9 cals. You'd think it would be more, wouldn't you? But it's not. Not by a longshot.

Yes, I bought a pedometer. I expect I'll get pretty obnoxious with it.

Sorry for the lapse in posting. Blackwell the Blackberry went to technology heaven. He had been sickly for a while and finally busted this morning. I have a new Blackberry. I think this one might be a girl, but it's difficult to say. if she is, her name might be Maria Sophia. Don't axe me why. In fact, if you can come up with something better, feel free to suggest it.

Just bear in mind that Babette is already taken. That's my PC.

I begin my big-time modeling gig tomorrow morning. Oh, for those of you I haven't told for fear of...oh, what's the word? I can't think of it. But, I'm modeling. I actually have been for some time. I don't know why I neglected to share that. It just never made its way into any of these posts. I'll get around to posting the full story sometime this week. That is, if Cecile doesn't die on me like Blackwell did.

I also have a phone interview with Numbtindough Planet tomorrow! They're hiring "greeters" for the Christmas rush! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!

It feels like there's so much to tell...I lost a week of updates. Oh well. I guess I'll just fill you in starting tomorrow...

Unless, of course, Pansy quits working.


Queen, III said...

Mulva sounds a lot like Vulva - which I'm not totally oppossed to, but it is a little dirty.

Oh, and Forky, so....what kind of "modeling" is this?

Tracy said...

I vote 4 "Barbie". What'd ya think?

Can't wait to hear about your modeling gig! I heard there are modeling agencies in NYC for people with rockin' bods. You should march your abs into one of those place and before you know it, you may just find yourself in a bowflex infommercial!