Wednesday, October 11, 2006

October 11th

I survived October 11th.

I know some of you have been hitting the refresh button on this blog for several hours, hoping--just hoping--that I'd post some kind of update, some kind of insight into this crazy Nude Fork City day.

Yuh want insight? Here 'tis:

Another plane crashed into another NY building on the 11th day of a month ending in "ber".

Only this time it wasn't kooky Arabs done did it. It was a Yankee. One of our own. My neighbor. My brother.

Now, I don't know the first thing about flying planes. All I know is I scoff at people who don't like to fly because they use the excuse, "I'm not in control of the plane."

Okay, for those of you control freaks out there, answer me this question:

What is the correct procedure for lowering the landing gear?

There. The pilot already knows more about flying this B4-87 than you do. Maybe you should take a swing of grape-flavored Dimatapp and wake up once you're safely on the ground.

Sheesh. People and their logic.

Still...can't help feeling sorry for the Yankee pitcher. The coneys at Shea stadium won't taste quite the same.

In other news, I feel it worthy of note that, while Texans may not know how to drive in the rain, New Yorkers don't know how to WALK. It's disgraceful is what it is. I mean, it's rain. Quit walking s'dang slow!! What? Are you afraid you're gonna spin out and hit a tree? Maybe you should get those rain-proof treads for you sneakers.

Okay. Time for bed.


Anonymous said...

Shea is where the Mets play. But it was a really good try at a sports comment.

Fork said...

Oops. I meant Wrigley Field.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Wrigley Field is a joke...


Keep the laughs, comin' Forky!!!

Anonymous said...

No, Forky, Wrigley Field is where they grow chewing gum.

Bibb Leo File said...

You're all so stoopid. The New York Northerners play in Candlestick Park in Tampa. Eveynon nows that?

(Sorry...I've been grading freshmen essay all weak...I mean week.)