Friday, October 13, 2006

The Blacker the Berry...

I just found out my new BlackBerry (the one that replaced Blackwell who was sick and died two weeks ago--send me your addresses so I can add them to my new one! Oh...that was a long parenthetical. Now you don't remember what I was saying. Let me start over)...


I just found out my new BlackBerry is a black woman!

Don't ask me how I know this. I just do. Maybe its because she's got this maternal quality about her. Maybe it's because she's well-built and sturdy. Maybe its because she's knocked up and we don't know who the baby daddy is.

Whatever the reason, irreverent or otherwise, she needs a proper name. So far we've got:






Write-ins eagerly accepted. And if you're with the NAACP, chill out. As you can see by my profile picture, I'm black.

Happy weekend! See you Monday!


Bibb Leo File said...

I would suggest "Jamiqua."

That way, when you are introducing her to your friends, you can say, "And here's my Blackberry Jam-iqua."

The jokes pratically write themselves!

Anonymous said...

How about Halle?



Anonymous said...

Lemonjello, I should point out, is a boy's name.

Fork said...

Whoops. How about Oranjello?

Anonymous said...

I'm with Matt...I like condoleezza!!