Monday, October 23, 2006

A Shutterbug Foiled

What a day for me to leave my camera at home.

I was on my way to the gym when I usual route was interrupted by a procession of purple-robed Latinos processing with a giant, incense burning float dedicated to the worship of Blessed Mary the Eternal Virgin, Queen of Heaven, Allelu, Allelu. Lots of coupleaƱos were blaring away on their horns. It felt like Fiesta. It was really something.

I got to the gym and began my workout. I looked up and saw a massive figure with a bleached-blonde mullet, handlebar moustache, and bandana. It was Bulk Bogan, the WWF wrestling star from the 80s! Queen III had seen him at the airport in Vegas about a year or so ago and said he had an old man paunch. Let the record also show that Bulk Bogan now has scrawny legs and no rear end. Just like every other man approaching his golden years. I guess it's true what they say about the ravages of time. That...uh...they're ravaging.

Then me and Ronald, one of my new buddies who is Episcopalian by day and Presbyterian by night (literally), and I hopped the train to Harlem to rehearse our music for the worship service of our upcoming church retreat this weekend (Gerrick, the worship leader, lives in Harlem so we had to take our cracker selves uptown to meet him).

Our conversation about why Bulk Bogan would want to work out in, as Ronald put it, a dirty old gym like mine and not a fancy new gym like his was interrupted by--wait for it--a trio of Cirque du Subway performers. One manned the boombox and kept rhythm while the tall one threw his kid sister over our heads, who flipped and flopped on and over the hand bars before finishing with a triple soumersault and landing in the legs of her handstanding, breakdancing older brother.

And me without my camera!


Anonymous said...

That's why you're not rich and famous! If you had your camera, you could take great action shots that no one else got and sell them to the Daily Bugle. Then you'd also win the love of Mary Jane.

The Cliff said...

It's really more sad for actually got to see all the fun, we just get to read about need to carry your camera through Nude Fork City all the time!! That we we'll all get to see the wonders of The City!! God knows there are no wonders around here, all we get to see is Cach's dogs learned to run in a circle to the left instead of the right...woohoo (can you feel the enthusiasm i have...really...i'm so excited about a new left turning circle...)

Anonymous said...

Liar! They never learned to turn left! Don't make up stuff about Bert and Ernie!