Friday, October 13, 2006


There's so much to tell, I don't really know where to start.

Head over to Bibb leo File's blog and read his latest Halloween entry. It's supurb. It made me seriously long for that one Halloween in Wackytown--October was particularly chilly that year and the sequel to the Blair Witch Project had just come out. Ever since then, he and I have always shared a special bond when it comes to Halloween.

I don't know that we'll ever top our Hippiecity Halloween though--watching Nosferatu, Bela Lugosi's Dracula, then Bram Stoker's Dracula, then reading Poe's "the Raven", then dressing in our costumes and going on a ghost tour of downtown Hippiecity. Good times.

A conversation overheard here at "the office":

(opera music plays in the background)

Girl 1: Hey, this sounds just like Miss Piggy.

Girl 2: I guess Miss Piggy was a mezzo soprano.

1: Do you think a man did her voice?

2: I doubt it. It's possible though.

1: Man, I always hated Miss Piggy.

2: Yeah, I know! She was so annoying. And she was, like, the only woman Muppet.

1: Have you SEEN her eyeshadow? She looks like a prostitute.

2: Kermit would irritate me too. He was such a wimp.

1: Miss Piggy walked ALL over him.

2: Yeah.

We had our first snap of cold weather today. I woke up in my bunk bed almost unable to breathe thanks to the heating pipes that run through my room. So don't worry. I'm not going to freeze. In fact, I had to open a window.

Aunt Ellope is visiting Supercity X this weekend! My first visitor! Now I have to play the difficult role of tour guide in the City that Ever Sleeps. Hopefully I'll get a cup of porridge out of it.

Oh, and I can't forget to mention...

It's Friday the 13th, considered by many to be the luckiest day of the year! That's because, as legend has it, this was the day the black cat walked under a ladder and saw its reflection in a broken mirror. If the cat sees its reflection, experts say, rabbits feet will be rendered useless. However, if the cat turns up its nose and walks away from the mirror, flicking its tail wildly, that means two more weeks of winter.

In honor of this day of days, if anything lucky happens to you, be sure to post about it!

Something lucky (?) happened to me. I got hired at Numbtindoughland! Turns out, the pay IS peanuts! Am I going to work there anyway? Uhh...I...guess.

Hope you all have the luckiest weekend in town! Cheers!


Bibb Leo File said... do miss your palsy-walsies down in Metroville. I never knew that Hallow's Eve meant so much to you, but now that I think of it, it really was an evening that "chilled me to the dinosaur bone"!

Incidentally, watch your postbox.

By the pricking of your thumbs...

(P.S. Thanks for the blog shout-out, and congrats on your career at Numbtindoughland!)

Anonymous said...

Yankee girls are idiots. Q3 and I have a longstanding theory about Miss Piggy--she is the ideal woman, the pinnacle to which every mere mortal woman should aspire. A real swell broad. Piggy forever!