Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I'm back to "temping" in the mornings, gyming in the afternoons, and "working" in the evenings. I haven't played a ukulele in almost two weeks. It's so unfortunate.

Also, the moment of decision is rapidly approaching. This weekend I'm making a trip to South Carolina to meet with my cousin about "the Dream Job". Will I take it and make lots of money? Or will I stay in New York and get ready for shows #8 and #9 that are going to take up my summer months?

We'll see.

Probably no Forkulele Friday again this week. I mean...I might get around to it but don't hold your breath. You'll probably pass out.

1 comment:

Bibb Leo File said...

You're selling your ukulele-plunking soul for dirty money! Filthy, sleazy, "temp" money!

As the wise Thomas Carlyle once wrote, "Put down thy terrycloth robe, pick up thy uke."