Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Video Gamez

Work has become mind-numbingly tedious.

I mean, tedious in a good way.


'Metal Soldier Disaster Squad DS' is an old school 2D run and gun arcade-style shooter. It's so difficult, one of the testers observed, "Dude, yo, beating this game would mean, like, you could beat anything else for the rest of your life. And I'm not just talkin' video games. I'm talkin', like, every test you ever take, or anything that's hard. It's like, 'Yeah, that was hard. But it wasn't as hard as Metal Soldier Disaster Squad' knowwhatIsayyn?"

One of the guys at work is this gaunt little guy who just turned 23. And like most 23 year olds, he speaks with authority on all subjects and thinks he's much wiser than he really is.

And he's also a goth kid.

So he's mad at the government and religion for enslaving humanity.

He's also offended by broad stereotypes.

I wanted to hold up a full-length mirror to him at that point and say, "Everything you're wearing was purchased at Hot Topic. Get a clue."

He's also an athiest.

And a self-taught demonologist. Oh, I'm sorry. Daemonologist. Forgot the silent A there.

Yeah. The kid is a walking contradiction. But he likes me because when he says things like, "The Bible is full of errors", I respond with, "The Bible is easily the most carefully preserved text in history". Then HE responds with, "Well, I don't believe it anyway," to which I respond (in an uncharacteristically civil tone), "Then what difference does your previous statement make? Why attempt to defend your stance on Biblical inaccuracies if the whole thing is just a humbug?"

So yeah. There's him.

And then there's Skateboarding Charlie.

He's a whole nuther topic of conversation. He's the guy from Atlanta who moved here two months ago. And since he moved here, I don't think he's stopped talking for five minutes.

My "temp work" employer's wife had a baby last night. That's exciting, isn't it? My "boss", however, was really kind of dispassionate about the whole thing. He's a really quiet sort who doesn't get excited easily. I would ask if he wanted a boy or a girl (they hadn't checked) and he kinda just said, "Meh. Whatever." I asked about names. "Meh, I don't really like any names." I asked about Christmas. "Meh, I don't really like holidays. They're so commercial."

I'm really in need of that check from ol' Georgie Bush. If I don't play Grand Theft Schmauto 4, my remaining toenails may just pop off and go play it without me. But in order to play the game, I have to upgrade. Yes. That's right. I'll probably go the Blu-Ray route, even though I have very little interest in that particular piece of expensive technology. I mean, geeze. Just when you get comfortable building up a collection of DVDs, they switch formats on you.

Okay. Time to get to work on this week's Forkulele Friday song. It may take a while.


Bibb Leo File said...
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Bibb Leo File said...

Genius! I exuberantly applaud your argumentative strategy with Gaunt the Goth. Next time he says something about being a proud atheist, tell him that atheism is a professed belief in the non-existence of any supernatural God, for which ideological assertion there exists the exact same amount of proof as there does for theism, a professed belief in the existence of a supernatural God.
So, in a way, he's very religious.

Then pause for a moment and say, "I truly admire your faith."

Maybe he'll explode.

Bibb Leo File said...

Did you know there was a Charlie the Unicorn, Part 2?