Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dimensionally Rendered

I've never been dimensionally rendered before. But I'm about to be. That's because all next week I'm going to be standing on a spinny disc casual (that was close!) while business with these world-class sculptors in this sculpture competition.

I stopped by the studio for a little while today. This was the day everyone arrived to build their armatures and meet one another.

They were all very nice, although some of them had this little nervous crazy artist edge to them. It'll be interesting to see what happens as the competition heats up in the later days of the week. Like, will somebody spike their rival's modeling clay with glue or applesauce or something. Maybe set some cocker spaniels loose in the studio at night.

They're taking some pictures of the event throughout the week. Oh Lord...spray-on tan, don't fail me now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a bad bad man.