Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Super Fighting Robot!

Remember the last time someone who wanted to take over the world made a cool insignia out of the first letter of his last name?

Yeah. So do I. And it wasn't pretty for humanity.

Isn't it funny how art reflects life?

I'm just saying.


Anonymous said...

Heretic! Obama will save us!

Fork said...

Obama will invent eight master robots who will take over important facilities all over the globe and help him in his conquest for world domination! Only MegaMcCain can save us now!

Bibb Leo File said...

Ok, not to contest your little theory here, but the last evil fiend who tried to take over the world and used an initial ACTUALLY USED A 'W'!

Bush was the Wileyest of all the Wileys. And his campaign actually shortened his name to the evil Doctor's wicked monogram!

Sorry, but I think your point is one presidential administration past due.

Anonymous said...


Change Man
Retreat Man
Tax Man
Eco Man
Fetus Man
Same-Sex Man
Womyn Man
Undocumented Man

The question is whom will he set up as his fall guy so that you have the plot twist where you think you've won, but then he pops out and does his eyebrow thing from his little hover-orb?

Fork said...

Fair enough, Bibb, but merely having a W in your name is different from re-creating the existing presidential seal and using it to rally the masses.

And which will Dubya be? Evil genius or total buffoon? We can't have it both ways!

Bibb Leo File said...

Don't you see? That's the truly Eee-Ville genius behind his "Dubya" persona! It's all an act! We're meant to think he's a complete imbecile, but all the while, he's hatching diabolical schemes for world domination.

Incidentally, I have the same theory about Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, and William Henry Harrison.